The Lady Bird Johnson room #214 has a king size four poster canopy bed with walk-in shower. The beautiful room was renovated in 2023 and the bathroom was enlarged! On the mantle are two pink lustres, and a clock given…
Full Canopy Tester bed constructed of tiger mahogany, has four “Cloverleaf or Apostle” style posts on a single canopy bed. The bathroom was beautifully updated in 2022 with an enlarged walk-in shower. This room is reserved exclusively for guests over…
Looking for a top wedding venue in Texas? The Excelsior House Hotel offers the finest location for historic Jefferson weddings! We offer an exceptional Jefferson, Texas, historic wedding venue. Let the Excelsior House Hotel make a special social gathering an…
The Grant Presidential Room, #212, features two double beds with a walk-in shower. Walnut cornices dated 4/24/1874 adorn the windows. The light fixture was originally a gas light. A picture of President Grant and his family was traded for a…
The Jay Gould Room, #215, features two double beds with a walk-in shower. The furniture is Circassian Walnut and dates from the early days of Jefferson. Most of this wood comes from Russia. Maximum capacity for this room is 4…